Thank you for scheduling!
You should receive the event confirmation in your email shortly.
If you need to cancel or reschedule, you can use the links provided in your email confirmation. Please see important information below about next steps.
If you have questions about anything, please reach out to Abby Mros,
Please make sure you’ve scheduled time to meet with both Dr. Todd Kammerzelt and Dr. Chantelle Thomas.
If possible, please meet with Dr. Kammerzelt first. His scheduling link is here. This scheduling order is preferred but not required. If you need to meet with Dr. Thomas first based on availability, that is ok. Her scheduling link is here.
If you have questions about anything, please reach out to Abby Mros,
Next, you will be added to our practice management system, Owl.
We will use this system to send you forms to fill out ahead of your meetings. These will be sent to you via email from with the subject line “Integrata - Forms”.
You will receive:
Intake/Demographics Form
Medical Screening - must be completed before any of your scheduled meetings
Therapeutic Group Experiential KAP Informational Materials
KAP Informed Consent
Release of Information for Promega
The ROI is restricted to only releasing your presence in treatment and only for billing purposes. Participation in this experiential is not contingent on signing this ROI. However, you must sign this ROI if you would like Promega to pay for your participation.
Blood Pressure Reading
Please send a recent blood pressure reading to and before your medical/psychiatric intake. A photocopy of a reading or a picture of the device reading are both acceptable. You're welcome to go to the wellness center on the Promega campus for a reading.
Important Contacts
Dr. Chantelle Thomas, Executive Clinical Director |
Dr. Todd Kammerzelt, Psychiatrist |
Abby Mros, Administrator |